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Taking a stroll down memory lane...

My goodness, September already! Where does the time go? On the plus side, it brings me one step closer to October, to which I'm especially looking forward. I realize that I tend to sound like I live in a vacuum, which is probably true to a degree. What can I say, time flies when you're having at least a bit of fun! Between my paid work, I have begun working on the copious backlog of personal images I've shot. I've decided that I'll have very little rhyme or reason on what I work on at one time. Like shooting the images, this is a journey that I'll allow to flow to it's natural conclusion. This month, I'm working on a set of images I shot in 2009, during my honeymoon in Scotland & Ireland.

My relationship with the UK & Ireland didn't actually begin there. I've been a huge UK-phile ever since my dad introduced me to The Beatles as a tyke. Still one of my favourite bands, I have made it my lifes mission to explore their homeland as thoroughly as I'm allowed. I discovered the beauty of Ireland during high school, which ignited another love affair within me. My travels within have allowed me to meet their people and I have formed friendships. Fast forward to 2008, when my then-fiance and I were wondering where to go on honeymoon. It only seemed natural to visit my friends in Scotland and Ireland. While I have been to Ireland 3 times, my then-fiance had never been. The pair of us had never set foot in Scotland. So off we went. Here are a few images I've been editing in the past few days. This trip included myself, my husband, and my friends- one a native Scot and the other a Yorkshire Yeti. Special thanks to Adobe and Capture One Pro for making some kick-ass imaging software. I can't have brought out the true beauty of these places without the innovations they helped provide.

The Chapel Royal, Stirling Castle

We begin the journey with The Chapel Royal, at Stirling Castle. I hadn't taken note of the name, but I definitely felt the urge to genuflect. And I've not done that in decades!

A moored fishing boat. Staring at the horizon as it waits for next fishing season.

A lone boat somewhere on the mid-west coast of Scotland, waiting for next fishing season.

Stream @ rest stop in North Western Scotland

We stopped at a rest stop somewhere on the NorthWest inlands, where I got out to explore. Everyone else, wisely, stayed in the car. On finding this creek, I could only conclude they were fools.

"Foreclosure Alley"- Sanna Bay, Scotland

I found this massive exodus of crustaceans on Sanna Bay, in NorthWest Scotland. With my usual acerbic style, I dubbed it "Foreclosure Alley."

"That's Pish!" in North Eastern Scotland. Near Inverness. Perhaps the phone box across the road was used to spread the word after this was daubed?

While I don't approve of graffiti, this was too damn funny to leave alone. Only in Scotland...

A lone phonebox in Northern Scotland

This was directly across from that. I expect it helped to spread the word that no fishing was allowed at that particular spot.

If you'll notice, there's loads of fog and snow in every image. One notable fact about the honeymoon was that we went in February, a full 6 months after the wedding. Why? Because I got the hair up my arse to see Scotland in winter! Graduating from Art Center was also kinda a priority.

A residence in Nethy Bridge, Scotland. The snow was waist high, but it was exactly what I went for.

A residence in Nethy Bridge. The snow was waist high and keeping warm was quite the challenge. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world.

Another boat, this time somewhere near Inverness. I'm sensing a theme, round here.

My husband and I will be heading back to Scotland this October to see our friends and explore more together. The plan this time is to go southwards towards and into the North of England. There will likely be more sunshine, but still plenty of interesting experiences to go round. I can't wait! :)

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